A language acquisition phase around six months of age where babies say meaningless repetitive strings of a consonant and a vowel. (language acquisition)
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A language acquisition phase around six months of age where babies say meaningless repetitive strings of a consonant and a vowel. (language acquisition)
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A place of articulation used to describe vowels production where the tongue is positioned towards the back of the oral cavity. (phonetics, phonology)
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Back Formation
When one creates a new word by mistakenly removing an affix or something he or she believes to be an affix (ex. editor> edit; disgruntle>gruntle). (morphology)
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Describes the process where a front sound becomes a back sound. (phonology)
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Basic Allophone
The allophone that occurs elsewhere. (phonology)
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The lowest register of a language; the most colloquial, “street” dialect. In pidgins and creoles, the form of the language most influenced by the substrate. (sociolinguistics)
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