A sound where air flows through the nose. (phonetics)
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Nasal Stop
A sound in which the flow of air is completely stopped in the oral cavity (i.e., a stop), with the velum lowered, so that air escapes from the nasal cavity. (phonetics)
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Natural Class
A group of segments that share a feature or a set of features and tend to be subject to the same phonological rules. (phonology)
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Negative Polarity Item
An expression that is licensed by, or must co-occur with, a negative expression in the same sentence. (syntax)
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The loss of a contrast between two segments in a certain context. (phonology)
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Pronouns, nouns, and noun phrases. (syntax)
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A morphological process in which a nominal is derived from another syntactic category. (morphology)
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Nominative-Accusative Case-Marking System
The sole argument of an intransitive sentence (S) and the agent argument of a transitive sentence (A) receive Nominative case, whereas the theme argument of a transitive sentence (P) is marked differently as Accusative. (syntax)
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Non-Rigid Designator
A referring expression that denotes different entities in different worlds. (pragmatics)
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A noun phrase does not refer to a particular entity. (semantics)
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