A list of linguistic items that share a common position or a list of inflectional endings that attach to a word category. (Ex. All pronouns or all inflections that attach to verbs in different syntactic contexts) (morphology)
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The patient argument is promoted to subject and the agent is demoted to oblique. (syntax)
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A number marking that signals a few entities. (morphology)
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Perceptual Level of Analysis
The first level of analysis, where the non-linguistic, acoustic features of a loan word are perceived and separated into usable chunks by the native speaker of the recipient language. The linking of acoustic features from a foreign word to their closest match in the recipient native phonemic inventory occurs here….
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Perceptual Uniformity Hypothesis
The representation of segments from a lent word will be consistent at the level of perception in the borrowing language despite the position of those segments in a syllable. (phonology)
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Perfective Aspect
An action is viewed as a single and unanalyzable whole. (semantics)
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A grammatical feature that indicates the participant role of a noun phrase. (morphology)
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See “Phonological Form.” (syntax)
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An abstract unit of sound used to contrast words. (pre-generative phonology)
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The psychological perception of a discrete sound, a bundle of speech features such as [±Voice], [±Back], etc. All surface realizations and differences between voice qualities in people producing the same phonemes get filtered and are perceived as a single representation in the mind. (psycholinguistics)
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