Archive for Typology
Agglutinative Language
Languages that have words composed of many morphemes and where each morpheme corresponds with one semantic idea. (typology)
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German is a V2 language belonging to the Germanic language family that is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and neighboring areas (typology)
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Head-Final Phrase
The head of the phrase follows the complements. (typology)
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Head-Initial Phrase
The head of the phrase precedes the complements. (typology)
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Russian is an SVO language belonging to the Slavic language family that is spoken in Russia and many countries of the former Soviet Union including Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan (typology)
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V2 (Verb-Second) Word Order
A syntactic word order characterized by a full verb always appearing as the second element of independent clauses. The first element varies according to topicalization, and analysis of subordinate clauses may reveal that a V2 structure is derived from an underlying SOV word order. Example V2 languages are Germanic (besides…
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Word Order Correlations
Phrases in a given language tend to be consistently head-initial or consistently head-final. (typology)
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