Archive for Syntax
A’-movement refers to movement to non-case-assigning positions for interpretive factors, e.g., wh-movement, quantifier raising, and focus/topic movement. (syntax)
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A-movement refers to movement from non-case-marked positions to case-assigning positions to check phi-features. It is not driven by interpretive factors. (syntax)
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Abessive Case
A case morpheme that marks its noun in a relationship of distance from or absence of another noun. (morphology, syntax)
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Ablative Case
Adposition-like case that shows movement away from a substantive. (syntax)
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Accusative Case
A case morpheme that marks a noun as being the direct object of the verb. (morphology, syntax)
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In an active sentence, the subject is the agent of the event while the object is the theme of the event. (syntax)
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Active Voice
When the agent of the sentence is in the subject position. (syntax)
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Addessive Case
A case morpheme that marks its noun in a positional relationship to another. (morphology, syntax)
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A syntactic or lexical category that is argued to be universal. It is often distinguished by its morphological shape in comparison to other categories or by its ability to inflect or be modified in ways that other categories cannot. Structurally adjectives can be attributive and be noun adjuncts or be…
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Optional arguments; sister to X-bar and daughter of another X-bar. (syntax)
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