Archive for Neurolinguistics
A disorder marked by the inability to write words. (neurolinguistics)
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Wada test
A test to determine which hemisphere is language dominant in an individual. It is performed with an injection of sodium amytal which deactivates the ipsilateral hemisphere. If this happens to be the language dominant hemisphere, speech should be affected. (neurolinguistics)
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Wernicke’s aphasia
(also called fluent aphasia) A type of aphasia characterized by relatively fluent, nonsensical speech and poor comprehension. (neurolinguistics)
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Wernicke’s area
An area of the brain named after Carl Wernicke that is located on the left hemisphere of the back of the temporal lobe (posterior region of the superior temporal gyrus). The exact size and position of this area is controversial since brains and lesions vary in size and because the…
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