Blog Archives
Converting a piece of spoken language into another language also in spoken form. Contrasted with “translation.”
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LSP (Language Service Provider)
A company that provides translation, interpretation, localization, or other non-teaching product to a client.
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MT (Machine Translation)
The use of software to translate a word, phrase, or text automatically. Accomplished with a statistical, rule-based, or hybrid approach. Example free-to-use MT engines: Google Translate, MOSES.
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PM (Project Manager)
The person who coordinates the people involved in a translation project, including translators, editors/reviewers, and the client/buyer (person or LSP for whom the product is produced).
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Editing or revision done to a translated document before publication or delivery to a client. See also “Pre-Editing.”
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Work done on a source text to prepare it for translation. Examples: Creating and correcting a preliminary version of a word-processing document that had to be created from an original picture or scan with the help of optical character recognition (OCR) software. Creating and correcting a preliminary version of a…
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Quality control
The process of editing/revising translations.
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Review / Revision
The process of polishing a finished translation with the help of another qualified person who often works closely with the translator. A European term for “Editing.”
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Repeating a spoken passage verbatim without changing the language or phrasing. Often used by interpreters to warm up. Term associated with linguist Holly Mikkelson.
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Simultaneous interpretation
A type of interpretation where the interpreter speaks into the target language and the speaker continues without pause. Most often done in a booth, with members of the audience using headphones, or whispered. See also “consecutive interpretation.”
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