Blog Archives
Agglutinative Language
Languages that have words composed of many morphemes and where each morpheme corresponds with one semantic idea. (typology)
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A disorder marked by the inability to write words. (neurolinguistics)
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A morphological relationship between phrases regarding their semantic or grammatical features, e.g., person, number, gender, and case. (morphology)
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The inherent aspectual properties of a verb, e.g., state, activity, accomplishment, and achievement. (semantics)
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Alienable Possession
A possessive relationship that can be controlled and changed. (morphology)
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A variant of a particular grapheme, eg., Loch, lock, cook. (orthography)
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A phonological string that realizes a morpheme. A version of a morpheme. Allomorphs are commonly written within phonemic slashes, e.g.-/əz/. (pre-generative morphology)
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A phonetic realization of a phoneme. A pronunciation of a phoneme. As phonetic segments, allophones are typically written in square brackets: [ ] (pre-generative phonology)
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When more than one viable interpretation is available. (semantics)
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When more than one phrasal or clausal interpretation is available. (syntax)
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